Lots of ways to explore the Creston Valley and those who call it home!
The Big Picture
Local, regional, national, and international events have always had an impact on the Creston Valley. Explore some of thoe events and the ways they've shaped our communities.

Being Canadian
What did it mean to be a Canadian in the past? What does it mean today? How and why and when have people come here from other parts of the world?

Natural History
The world around us - geography, geology, climate, biodiversity - has had a huge role in how the human history of the Creston Valley has developed.

People, Places, Events
These are the things that make a community unique - and we have lots of them for you to explore.

Back to School
Get hands-on as you explore local schools and the way students were taught in days gone by.

Fruit Ranching
One of the earliest - and still one of the biggest - industries in the Creston Valley has undergone many, many changes. here are some ways to explore them for yourself.