Just like letter-writing, diary-writing is also a lost art! But it’s a great way to keep track of what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, and how you’re reacting to the world around you. It’s also a really good way to feel some kind of a connection to others – think of it as way of having a conversation with someone years from now.

This is an except from a diary by a man named Emanuel Sauter. We don’t know anything about him; this diary was found in a house in Canyon when the owners were renovating their stairs and they don’t know who Emanuel Sauter was or how he’s connected to their house. But it’s interesting to read about his daily activities!
So, today, for your daily dose of history, we have a couple of tasks for you.
First, imagine a bit more detail into one of the days Emanuel wrote about here! Can you write a story, or make a short film, about that day?
Second, start your own diary! You can use any kind of a notebook or make your own. It can be written, or recorded, or in the form of art – or all three! Keep track of your daily activities, what you see or hear about happening in the world around you, and how you’re reacting to the coronavirus and the changes it’s making in your life. A year from now, ten years from now, when we all look back on this time and wonder if it really happened, your diary will help us remember.
When this is all over, consider donating your diary to the Creston Museum. It will become an important part of the community’s story.