These are a few photos of the Archives storage vault – the space where we house all the photographs, documents, newspapers, and maps that contain so much valuable information about the community and its people.
We use these collections all the time. Do you enjoy the exhibits at the Museum and elsewhere in the community? Maybe you, or someone you know, has participated in the presentations we give for seniors’ homes, schools, and community events. Maybe you’re part of the many community groups – everyone from the Creston Valley Housing Society and Lister Community Association to the Rec Centre and Columbia Basin Trust – that we’ve helped with historical resources and documentation. You have probably read the articles we write for I Love Creston or chimed in on the On This Day posts on Facebook and Instagram. You might even be one of the hundreds and hundreds of people we have helped learn more about their family histories.
All of those things depend on the archival collections here at the Creston Museum.

This will give you an idea of what we’re hoping to do: a combination of fixed shelving and mobile units that will very nearly double the available storage without any need for a new building or a larger space within our existing buildings. It will let us continue collecting archival materials, and that means we can keep providing the valuable research services that benefit so many people!
This will be a $45,000 project. We will be applying for grants which will match the funds we can raise on our own. Will you consider a donation to this project?
To donate now, just click on the button below. It will take you to our secure fundraising page at Then just enter your donation amount and select “Archives Storage Project” from the options.
If you prefer, you can call us (250-428-9262) with a credit card, send a cheque to Creston Museum, 219 Devon Street, Creston BC V0B 1G3, or drop in to see us (bring your mask).
Thanks so much – we appreciate your support, and so does everyone who accesses the Archives collections