Yesterday, we told you about some of the new bird species that have been observed in Creston over the years. The Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area is a fantastic place for you to check out the local bird life yourself …
Local History Goes to the Birds
Today, to help you through the isolation, we invite you to keep an eye on the bird-brains in your neighbourhood – literally. There are many bird species that live in town, and if you’re in a rural neighbourhood there are …
Women After War
Today’s Daily Dose of History is inspired by a project that co-worker Alyson is tackling. As always, since we want to give you something to do, we’ve got a couple of questions for you to ponder. We’re all probably familiar …
Take a Tour!
Yesterday, we hinted that Pioneer Cemetery is full of interesting stories. For today’s Daily Dose of History, we intend to prove it – with a virtual tour of Pioneer Cemetery itself! We’ve created a gallery of photos of people buried …
Hidden History at Pioneer Cemetery
Have you ever wandered through Pioneer Cemetery and read the inscriptions on the stones? Many contain only the standard information, giving no hint about the long, full lives of their owners. But there are a few that make you want …
Speaking of Photographs…
Your daily dose of history for today is pretty much guaranteed to get you completely sidetracked for the rest of the day. Last summer, thanks to the very hard work of summer student Madison Lacoursiere, funding from the BC History …
A Closer Look at Photographs
Let’s go back to that idea of a picture being worth a thousand words. One photo of a young woman picking apples led us to a fascinating story of a courageous lady who came to Creston in 1912 (if you …
Design Your Own Fruit Ranch!
Yesterday, we told you about Winifred Collis and her work on the fruit ranch she and her husband owned near Crusher Road. Today, let’s look at all the things that were on that fruit ranch – and get creative in …
A Photo is Worth 1,000 Words
Today, for your Daily Dose of History: a chance to imagine what life was like for the early settlers of the Creston Valley – especially the women. What would your life be like, in Creston, in 1912? Any family stories …
Make Your Own Fun!
Yesterday, we shared an article about some of the home-made fun in Creston’s history. Now it’s your turn! Here’s a little story from Cyril Colonel, about the fun and games they had when he was a boy in Alberta, during …