Sometime between 1908 and 1913, C.O. Rodgers brought a logging arch into the Creston Valley, for use in the logging operations for his Canyon City sawmill. A logging arch is a horse-drawn log-skidding machine. Two huge wheels – ten feet …
How to use a logging arch
Seriously, getting to work in a museum is the best thing ever. I mean, where else do you get to talk to all sorts of fascinating people, get transported back in time through old newspapers and photographs, and play with …
Whether the weather be cold…
Whether the weather be cold, whether the weather be hot… One thing you can always be sure of is there will be weather, and you can be almost as sure that we’re going to be talking about it. It’s too …
All Good Things…
…must come to an end. Isn’t that how the saying goes? When we look back at the history of the Creston Valley, we see a lot of “lasts.” Like the one hinted at in the newspaper ad to the left …
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