In twenty-five years of working at the Creston Museum, it’s really only happened once (well, maybe twice, if you count the time Derry our Model T quit part way through and we had to push him…but that was really just a crowd-pleasing moment within the parade).
But in 2022, we definitely rocked the whole parade with the logging arch!
We’d just got it rebuilt – a two-year process that you can read about here – and it had arrived back in the Valley in early April. Even coming into town on a trailer, those ginormous ten-foot wheels got a lot of attention – they turned every head on the parade route going down main street behind Wayne Harris’ Clydesdales!
I walked behind it, pulling our quarter-scale model logging arch…grinning the whole way.

Derry’s fuel line vapour-locked and he sputtered out of gas on the last
slightly uphill stretch of the parade route.