While you’re waiting to view the virtual Remembrance Day service on cam.swiftinternet.ca, we’d like to offer you some photos of prior Remembrance Day and similar events:
The very first. we showed you this one in our post yesterday: it’s the unveiling of the original wooden Cenotaph on 1 April 1917.Dated 1935 and identified as “Reviewing the troops.” Any suggestions as to what the occasion might have been? The trees in the background look a little too leafy for Remembrance Day, but the location – in front of the Creston Valley Co-op Store on Canyon Street, was right across the street from the Cenotaph.Dated 1939. I believe this is Colonel Edward Mallandaine, reading the declaration of the Second World war.Identified as an Armistice Day photo, but date and location are not given. Does anyone recognise this street? Probably 1940s.Undated and unidentified photo of a military marching band.Not Remembrance Day, but certainly an occasion for honouring those who served and giving thanks for peace: VE Day, May 1945.The VE Day ceremony at what is now Adam Robertson Elementary School, May 1945November 1946. One of the men in the lead is Ed Werre, the last local veteran to return from overseas following World War II.Undated, and I’m not entirely sure where it was taken – though that could be the Legion building in the background, when it was new (the facade has been considerably changed since it was built). If so, that would make this photo no earlier than 1947, and no later than 1965 (still using Union Jacks instead of the Maple Leaf flag). Perhaps these Legion members are mustering at the Legion before parading to the Cenotaph on 10th Avenue North?Remembrance Day, 1962, when the Cenotaph was still in front of what is now Town Hall.Undated, but judging from the clothing, sometime in the mid-1970s.A Remembrance Day ceremony at what is now Adam Robertson School, about 1976.An undated photo of some kind of ceremony in the vicinity of the Cenotaph. This photo is identified as Remembrance Day, but the lack of military uniforms, as well as the decidedly summery landscape, makes me question that.