Seventy-Five Years Ago

Creston MuseumDaily Dose of History, News & Articles, World War II Leave a Comment

Seventy-five years ago this week, the Creston Valley was waiting for official word that the war, which had been raging for six long years, was finally over.

Even though the war was still dragging on in the Pacific, even though it would be months before the soldiers returned home, even though the scars would take years to heal – despite all this, VE Day, 8 May 1945, was an opportunity to celebrate the those who survived, to reflect on the many personal, social, and military successes , to recognize the sacrifices and endurance, and to mourn those who died.

Our Daily Dose of History posts for the next week will explore the impact of the Second World War on the Creston Valley. We’ve been working hard to gather detailed information, and we welcome any additions you can provide!

Today, we’ll start – right at the beginning – with the declaration of war in September 1939 and its immediate effects on the community.

Note: This link takes you to an online exhibit we have created specifically to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. We will showcase one section of the exhibit each day for the next week. You are, of course, more than welcome to explore any and all of it whenever you wish – but, because we’re just finishing it, you might find some holes for a day or two!